Your Smart Start

Too many times a fitness membership alone fails to produce the results you want.

What you really need is a Smart Start to understand how to use your time at H.E.R. to achieve the best YOU!

What is Smart Start?

We are 100% committed to helping you get off to a Smart Start by providing more than orientation. Every new member has the opportunity to assess her current fitness status, explore the training and exercise equipment available, and discuss her goals with a H.E.R. Personal Trainer.

Upon Enrolling in Your H.E.R. Membership, This Is What You Can Expect

A Call

…to schedule your fitness assessment.

A Guided Visit

…to the workout area for a personalized exercise pattern.

A Meeting

…to the discuss realistic goals and timeline to achieve results.

A Review

…to determine appropriate classes for you based on your existing fitness level.

We Use Technology to Measure Your Progress

One aspect of your assessment is body composition analysis. If weight loss is your goal, you don’t want to be fooled by a scale that doesn’t budge when you are actually switching lean muscle mass for the fat deposits that you are losing with your efforts.

We use the InBody 270 Body Composition Analyzer to record your weight, skeletal muscle mass, and percentage of body fat so that we can more accurately measure real progress.

The Reports Show What You’re Made Of

The InBody 270 will track your progress and show you areas where you still need improvement.

  • Muscle Fat Analysis
  • Obesity Analysis
  • Segmental Lean Analysis
  • Body Composition History

Track Your Body Composition Changes

The InBody 270 records a user’s weight, skeletal muscle mass, and percent body fat from the last eight tests to track progress over time.

  • A 15-second test quickly measures the fat mass, muscle mass, and body water levels. No dunking. No pinching. No discomfort. Simply stand on the device and hold the hand electrodes.
  • No estimations
  • Only impedance is used to determine your body composition results; no empirical estimations such as gender and age are used or required to predict your body composition.
  • Your results are saved in a cloud database where we can easily view and manage results to see your progress anytime, anywhere.